

Robert Frost

The best way out is always through.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

French-y getaway/giveaway

This is actually going to be a brief post. Dear Frenchy at Le Chateau des Fleurs blog hosts a monthly French Obsession Party linking Franophiles to new interesting blogs and generously sponsors a giveaway the 1st of each month.  Stop over at her site:

and enter the giveaway by simply commenting or just join in the fun by visiting the links (hint, I added a link to part of our June '08 visit to Paris).  Happy June and Summer dear bloggy buddies!


It's me said...

Nice to do this....i have also a give away on my blog...guess my birthday date..and choose a gift.....

I am on holliday........hugs from me Ria

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi Jenny, hope all is well with you.. :-) thanks for the link, have been over, left comment and following too. God Bless Anne

Jenny said...

Ria! Hello and thank you for the stop and the comment...I am heading over to your giveaway now.

Anne, I am so glad you checked out the blog. God bless you and I hope to post soon. Here I am greedily hoping you will be posting more on your Paris trip! God Bless you too.

Rebecca Ramsey said...

Hey Jenny, I will check it out. Merci. Happy June to you as well!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hi Jenny will be doing the Paris trip... not much left of London to do... I know it is taking me a while, but had other posts to do too!!

And I have a surprise next week.... going on a trip!

Unknown said...

You are just the best! Thank you also for the Bday Wishes :)
Hope all is great for you :)

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi Jenny!
Checking in to see how you're doing. Hope all is well with you and all your dear ones are well and happy. Thank you so much for your kind words on my niece's project. I do everything with such angst. ACK!
Happy Wedensday to you,
P.S. I thought of you last night ... I had been puttering around the house picking up and I came into the den and my husband was laughing. He had found himself caught up in a reality show about a family of pest exterminators ... for the second time. He was saying "I really like it" and giggling. We both started cackling and holding our sides, we were laughing so hard.


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