I have been out of bloggie commission because my computer was, oh, what is that technical term....oh, yeah, KAPUT. I couldn't blog, catch up on blogs or do trip research on the borrowed time of my hubby's computer so blog posting fell by the wayside.
I have confessed before, that I am a trip planning fool. And this has been some kinda of fun as this Road Trippin' crew includes our cozy family of five, my mom, and my mother-in-law, and our niece Rachel. It only struck me last week, "Zowie, David is gonna have quite a van load of ladies"....but I know he can handle it...he is mellow that way. But if y'all do shout out a prayer for our safety include his and our sanity.
So, I look forward to blogging about our trip as we get our...
Tennessee on...(I say this ala Andy Bernard from The Office)
our North Carolina on...
our Blue Ridge Parkway on...
and our New Orleans on...
and then after, I'll have to get some "rest" on from all that road tripping.
Thanks dear readers for stopping by, checking in, and your kind comments. Let's catch up when I get back.
In Christ,

Can't wait to hear all about your travels! You love planning trips??? I'm in the trip planning mode today myself, and I wish I enjoyed that part of the experience more. Your trip sounds like so much fun.
Safe travels....
Can't wait to hear about the trip. We are trying to get a small one planned right now too. I can't say I love the planning part. Actually I refuse to plan since Jason is so particular-he gets the job :) I hope you had a great time (and I loved reading about your 2008 Paris trip.) Both posts really really make me want to get a away for a break :)
Sounds like amazing!!! Hope you had a great 4th of July. Thank you for your visit :)
Hi Jenny, thanks for leaving comments on my Facebook page. By the way, one of my FB friends is in Ireland now and I'm so jealous!
That is so cute that you tell your sister that the French are celebrating her birthday!
Sorry I haven't been in better touch. I feel bad I haven't read your blog in a while but it looks like you have been having computer problems lately anyway.
I'm looking forward to reading about your latest trip when you get the chance to write about it:-))
Take care, Jennifer
Hope you are having a great week my friend. Thanks for saying hi!
Hi Jenny, your trip looks amazing, but where are all the other pics?! :-)
I do realise (yes, I do) that my comment is extremely late and I'm sorry for not managing to pop round as much as I want...
Thanks for your sweet comment, you really will love Bavaria, Austria (Salzburg is so beautiful) and the rest and I'm sure you will do that trip next year.
Have a lovely Sunday evening, Lots of Love from London xo
Jenny dearest,
I love the quote under your header!!!! AND THANK YOU for coming to visit. Blessings to you and your children as they start a NEW YEAR!!! Anita
Hi Jenny!
Thanks for saying hi.
it is very hard right now but i will make it. I just want an healthy baby!
Hope you are doing good and your family too.
Hi Jenny! Jumping up and down and waving HELLO! I received your comment on my blog, thank you so much for being such a dear soul and hanging in there with me!
Cannot believe it's the end of the year and time to wish you happy holidays, etc!
Lots of bloggy love to you and your dear ones,
Sally xo
Your banner picture is like 10 minutes of meditation in a glance.
merci carolg
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