And our second oldest, ever so ready for 7th grade, goodness me.
We fully intended a low key family vacation (camping in the New Mexico mountains, near where my David grew up) this year, but canceled at the last minute as we found out that Anna's summer was shortened by her new volleyball schedule. She is an involved high schooler, whose school schedule will now take over the whole of August for the next few years.
Here is a brief (I will try) recap of our summer's doings:
How much wet family fun can you have for $35?
Well my week-before-school-was-out-purchase of this water slide (not truly made for bigger than 10 year olds) was worth it even though we only got 3 uses out of it before some mondo super jumps from the kiddos over the height and weight limit broke its seams and caused some holes I could not repair. A couple of weekends we had my sister's kids out to also test it's limits....good clean fun was had by all.
Sophia, and her cousins, Sam and Katie enjoy some cool treats |
But I was thankful as it made for some close to home cheap family fun (I would have spent more on this gang in three trips at our local water park). And I got to hang out with my mom and mom-in-law. I am blessed with these two loving ladies in my life...thus we casually celebrated Memorial Day weekend.
PAR-TAY!!!! Sara turned 12 in May but in order to have our group of family and friends at the right time PLUS a huge water slide, we partied in June.
Where's the party people? Oh, here's the party! |
Sara in some kinda birthday getup with the cake |
Sophia meets a talkative new cousin, Addison..note David in the background telling his toe tale to Uncle Bob |
Sophia's conquistador stance |
Lou and Sophia take in the pretty courtyard |
David camps out near the well |
I could only finish off one of those monster-sized, yet delicious biscuits |
Here's my biscuit and sausage breakfast, and Lou decided on a taste testing of the generous servings of homemade pastries.
For most of July we kept to home (after the holiday weekend David's toe flared up for a couple of weeks during which he visited about 5 different specialists).
Anna turned 14! in July and we promised her the guest room as her OWN room. Her gift was outfitting her space with some new items and I thought that called for a trip to IKEA.
No, Waco is not so hip, we traveled to Round Rock, TX |
like this, for reading contendedly...
and this lovely print...
and this fun groovy colorful shag rug.
All displaying her sweetly feminine taste.
Last weekend my sister and I had my MIL (mom in law), our families, my aunt, cousins and their kids (all from out of town) over to my house to celebrate my mom's 6? birthday.
As I do, I was scattered here there and everywhere, and only took a couple of not great photos of some great ladies. My mom is doing well but of course she still misses Pete as we all do. There was so much laughter this evening though, as my mom is at such ease with her sister and family all around.
My mom and aunt Beta, kids in background playing Wii |

We were just saying the same thing tonight--where did the summer go? Looks like you were able to pack a lot of fun into it this year. The girls are beautiful and must be off to a great start looking so fashionable. Hope your fall will be a season of renewal as the pace slows down a bit....
Hi Jenny, boy summer sure went by fast! All of your girls are so beautiful and they must be excited to start school. Glad David's toes are finally healing.
Thanks for leaving a message for me on Facebook. I think I replied to it via a facebook message.If not, I replied by email. Can't remember ha ha!
Hi Jenny ....long time ago.....thanks for your comment on my blog last time....what a beautiful long post .....There is enough in your.......wishing you a happy Ria...
Bonjour Jenny,
Wow, you had an action-packed Summer. I am glad that David is coming along well - I just read all about the accident. The water slide looks like fun, the kids look so happy.
Hope you are doing well through all the excitement Jenny!
Take care my friend,
Debi!! saw your comment on Teri's blog...thank you for the shout out too you are very kind and such an encourament to me. Renewal is just the thing...I actually feel rejuenated in the Texas fall crispness..
Jennifer K...I am going right off to facebook to check..(I am so bad about checking FB, since I am in the blog habit). thank you for your kind words and Well wishes. I hope the same for you. are a super woman.and so thoughtful to keep up with what we are up to. YOu blog is gorgeous and inspiring. thank you for stopping by
MIMI! so good to chat with you again. Now, you definitely have it goin' on. I hope on your new online mag you post your madeleines that I mention it I should make another batch. See that would be my souvenir if ever I return to fair Pah-ree...a madeleine pan from Dellherin (sp).
SO lovely! Glad you had a happy summer and hope your hubby heals fast! You are so much fun, i can tell your kids had a blast!
Your girls are so big!
School again...yep already!
I have my Cherry clafoutti recipe coming just for you and will tell you when up :)
Indeed, where did this fabulous summer fly to? I too had a memorable summer that I savored for the first time since I went to France eight years ago; since then, summer school classes to take, to teach and home projects made my summers laborious. THis was my first summer since then that I traveled to see my family in California and to just come home to write, draw and plan an addition to my sweet home. And I see you are a believer; excellent. What other way is there to jump into the DEEP of faith? School is fatiguing, but this is a good thing. The children are going to benefit from the changes. Thanks for stopping by, Jenny!!! HAVE A GREAT FALL and your kids are growing up too fast!!!! Anita
Hello Jenny.. Wow and actioned pack summer with your wonderful family.. so pretty. How did you pack it all in ?? baking , holidays , Birthdays galore. I am sure you had a fab time:-)
I am soooooooooo happy that I gave you many happy memories .. I had no idea when I choose these places that they would bring lots of joy to someone. Would you believe that barbara who I went with had never been to Parc Montsouris and bless her she has lived in the suburbs 20 years. I choose the place as I had not been there, not realizeing. She crosses over it on the RER B Line. Lots to come. Take care Anne
Frenchy you are too kind and thoughtful. Everyday you give me a boost with your fresh ideas and family fun activities. thank you for visiting.
Anita, so glad that your summer was refreshing and your always so lovely blog did seem to get a perk up from your fresh perspective and I can't wait for the new online mag you and Mimi have been working on. Here's to a wonderful Fall!
Anne! You have definitely had a travel-filled last few months. And I thank you as always for letting me join you, by way of blog, for your journeys. Yes, your last post was quite memory filled for me and I can't wait for the next installment. Thank you for stopping by!
Jenny my dear!
You are such a good woman...You are such a great support. Thank you so much for your comment. You are right, i will pray for them. I posted the recipe just for you. This dish brings a lot of memories to me :)
Big hugs and hope you are doing good and hubby's foot healed :)
Hi Jenny!
Seems like forever since we've talked! Hope all is well with you and you're settling into your "back to school" routine!
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