Papo Pete, Sophia, Mimi Louisa |
Now, I also know that just the word "family" itself, can come loaded with baggage (good and bad), but recently some of my heartache comes from the facet of being a step-daughter. Well meaning and also grieving extended family have come up to my sister and I without personal condolences but adjuring us to take care of our mom and understand how much she has lost. I know so more clearly now that I will never take for granted the losses of others no matter the "title" of their relation to the one lost. Now, I hope to not be misunderstood in belittling my mom's mourning but as I focus on stepfamilyhood, I more clearly see that no one but us and the Lord knows what was truly woven together to make our family.
Thanksgiving 2007 |
Family to me encompasses the earthly relations and those the Lord brings into our lives that complete our spiritual family. Those kindred spirits and hearts that drop everything to cheer us on, let us cry on their shoulder, and pray for our large and small concerns and for whom we do the same. The dear "family" that we can call in the middle of the night to air our "worries" or share in our secret joys. Family means so much.
And I pray to appreciate even more these hearts dear to me that help me to know more of Jesus and what it means to love as He has encouraged me to do. I am glad that He brought to mind this scripture that I tripped upon a while back and became overwhelmed by its truth in my life:
"I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love;" Hosea 11:4a