So in this sweet Easter season, when we give thanks and glory to God, all I dare to share--or else the computer may sweep it away, are once again some quotes....and Thanks. For hanging in there with me and, as always, your encouragement.
~~...the world can forgive practically anything except people who mind their own business.~~
~~Margret Mitchell
~~Friendship is forgetting what you give and remembering what you receive.~~
~~The best way out is always through.~~
~~ Robert Frost
~~You must plough with such oxen as you have.~~
~~ English Proverb
~~When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,
when you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
count your many blessings,
name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord hath done.
~~Johnson Oatman, old hymn
Happy Easter...He is Risen!

It's ok to pop in once in a while, life gets busy at times:) Have a wonderful Easter!
I can't read those last verses without singing them! I'm counting my blessings this weekend. Grateful for so many things, especially a Risen Savior.
Happy Easter
Thanks for the post and the music!
Happy Easter Friend,
Victoria, hello and thank you for your kind words. Hoping you had a blessed Easter too.
Debi, you are always so sweet to stop by and visit. Happy Royal Wedding week to you!
Teri, thank you for the visit and hugs to you and you lovely family. God bless you and Scott.
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