

Robert Frost

The best way out is always through.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Stepping Outside...

Quotes for cheering you through the weekend:

~We are not cisterns made for hoarding; we are channels made for giving.~~Billy Graham

~It is wonderful what may be done if we are always doing.~~Thomas Jefferson

~When you cannot pray as you would, pray as you can~~Dean Goulburn

~....the cheerful heart has a continual feast.~~Proverbs 15:15 NIV

This seems a bit of a cheat but with the quotes I wanted to share, I also wanted to post something that moved me today.  I love reading Corey's Tongue in Cheek blog

Ahh, Provence!
where she writes primarily about her expat life (she's American) with her French husband of twenty-some years in Provence.  Her photos, her love of brocante, and travel has drawn together quite a nice community of bloggers, but today she shared an amazing part of her travels and I feel compelled to post.
Her visit with a long-time friend in Thailand to the Vieng Ping Children's home

precious, happy faces and a heart stirring visit
Blogging is such an amazing forum to me.  And I thank y'all that stop by and those that I read for all you share and how wonderfully you help me step outside my everyday and inspire. 

In Christ,


A Tale of Two Cities said...

I'm writing down Billy Graham's quote--in this world where it's so easy to get caught up in "me, me, me." it's a sweet reminder there are so many places and ways to give back.

Happy weekend,

It's me said...

Hello...what a beautiful post.....so true and lovely quotes........God is great !! ......lovely day darling....love Ria....xxx..

Carole Poirot said...

Lovely and inspiring quotes, exactly right to start a new week. Have a great week ahead xo

Jenny said...

Hello Debi, that Billy Graham quote got me to the quick too. Thank you for stopping by.

Thank you Ria for your encouragement and kindness.

Carol, thank you, and thank you for what you shared from your heart about the tsunami in Japan. I too feel that there may be some lightheartedness in blogging at times, but it is to me still a moving and inspiring forum too.


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