Do you wanna know how I feel when I share stories (delightful, touching, funny stories) with my family and they ask "where did that story come from?" and I say "so-n'-so's" blog? I feel like I am telling them tales from my imaginary friends. Not because my blog buddies are not real (because so much y'all share is so very very real), but because my blog life is still so foreign to my family (not one family member reads it, I tell them everything anyway) and the looks on their faces are like "Aw, that's nice for you". Now, don't get me wrong, I am blessed with a supportive family in so many ways but for some reason "blogging" does not compute. What gives?
Well this last week I have been in the midst of the awful "yucks", AGAIN (in the form of a blazing sinus infection). And while I have been laying low in the posting department, I have been joyfully keeping up with the blogs I love. Yet, I have noticed that I wasn't sharing some sweet gems from my favorite blogs with my family as much, like Elizabeth's everyday (yet extraordinary) walk through her 'hood of Cornwall,England
or even Debi's fabulous Kensington Palace fancy dinner in London!
I imagined that they (family) might get a bit tired of me speaking about people and places that I did not know in the flesh. Then two things happened this week to peak their interest.....
In the mail direct from Scotland, I received my AWESOME collection of hand crafted goodies from Karon of Dream Country Chat!:
She has a website that features her homemade goods of tea towels, sachets, cards and tote bags (fabric designed by her), and on her blog she hosted a giveaway of her "Brocante" line of items and I was lucky enough to be chosen.
Brocante items: tote, card, post card, herb sachet, and tea towel! |
My family was quite impressed and intrigued in how I knew Karon. When they found it was blog related it seemed to add a new dimension to my bloggy interests. Thank you so much Karon!
This thistle was at the foot of my mailbox the day your package arrived Karon! |
Then, two days later, and very much a sweet surprise to me I found this in my mailbox:
The CULPRIT: Anne in Oxfordshire!
So, from boonies-country Texas I send y'all a big Thank Ya! Happy Blogging and God Bless You.