As this is my first time to do any type of awarding, I look forward to following the rules as stated. Yet I hope it is not bad manners that I tweak the rules a bit....okay? (my addition will be in red, in case you want to stick to the true rules)
1. To accept the award, you must post it with the name of the person who granted you the award, and a link to their blog. (unless linking up makes you uncomfortable, then , please just allow it to be a compliment that it was meant to be )
2. Pass the award on to approx. 10-15 other blogs that you recently discovered and think are great.
3. Contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I love connecting from blog to blog to find others in the blogosphere who inspire, encourage, and share their loves, likes, and life online. I look forward to posting more "shout outs" on my own but I find this award opportunity a great chance to re-post some faves and advertise some wonderful blogs.
Gifts of the Journey (Cornwall, England) Elizabeth (American)
The Beautiful Meantime (Texas, US) Steph
A Tale of Two Cities (England and Texas) Debi
Girl Meets Paris (Florida, US) Teri
Dream Country Chat (Scotland) Karon
Blessed Femina (California, US) Miss Jen
Bonjour Romance (Paris, France) Mimi Bleu
My Year in Paris (Paris, France) Jennifer K
Anne in Oxfordshire (Oxfordshire, England) Anne, of course!
Parisienne Farmgirl (Wisconsin, US) Angela
Sister One of Four (Texas, US) Marcia
Sally Annie Magundy (California, US) Sally
All these amazing women I am blessed to know: some by just what they share online and others I have exchanged "comment conversations". I am thankful for good they do online and how honestly they share their time, thoughts and joys. Enjoy!
Aww Jenny, this was a sweet thing to do and I really appreciate it. I hope you'll forgive my not forwarding it on. It's so hard to decide on my favorite blogs ... sort of like choosing which friends are my best friends while leaving others on the second tier.
The best gift you give me is when you stop by my place and enjoy what I've posted enough to leave a comment. Even though I don't always get a chance to respond, I never take for granted the time it took to leave a thought behind for me.
Thanks again.
Bonjour Jenny,
Wow, I just logged on and saw your new post. Congratulations on this well deserved award and thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. Frenchy Chick is so much fun to visit.
There are a few blogs here I need to get to know. Thank you Jenny for stopping by and leaving your sweet and happy comments, it is much appreciated.
Bonne soiree my friend!
Elizabeth, you are welcome. There is nothing to forgive. I completely understand and am so glad you stopped by. I also am touched when anyone takes time to comment.
Mimi! Thank you too for commenting and your visit. Your blog is sweet refreshment indeed.
Wow, thank you so much! My first award hee hee! I want to accept it, but can't figure out how to post it. Hopefully I'll figure it out...when I click on it nothing happens. I'll try again. I also love it when people take the time to comment on my blog. Thanks again!
First of all... I love your new blog design. I've been sick for awhile so I haven't been around blogland much. Your design is so lovely.
Also... thanks for the award! I will pass it on, but probably not to ten people! I'm so behind already.
I LOVE your London posts... just now had a chance to read them. I loved Westminster Abby.
Your kids are adorable.
Thanks again!
Hi Jenny!
You're such a sweetheart, thank you so very much for the blog award!
I'm having fun over here making Valentine's cards today but I took a moment to run over and peek in at everyone on your list - I will enjoy visiting at greater length when time becomes available.
Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day with your sweetie pie and your girlies!
Hey Jenny...You ARE the sweetest! Thanks so much for thinking of me and my little blog. I'll try to get that posted up there today.
Have a wonderful weekend and Valentine's Day!!!
Bonjour Jenny, Sorry to double post but I just wanted to stop and say hello. I have you' award on my sidebar and will post about it shortly. Hope your week is going great!
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