I have been out of bloggie commission because my computer was, oh, what is that technical term....oh, yeah, KAPUT. I couldn't blog, catch up on blogs or do trip research on the borrowed time of my hubby's computer so blog posting fell by the wayside.
I have confessed before, that I am a trip planning fool. And this has been some kinda of fun as this Road Trippin' crew includes our cozy family of five, my mom, and my mother-in-law, and our niece Rachel. It only struck me last week, "Zowie, David is gonna have quite a van load of ladies"....but I know he can handle it...he is mellow that way. But if y'all do shout out a prayer for our safety include his and our sanity.
So, I look forward to blogging about our trip as we get our...
Tennessee on...(I say this ala Andy Bernard from The Office)
our North Carolina on...
our Blue Ridge Parkway on...
and our New Orleans on...
and then after, I'll have to get some "rest" on from all that road tripping.
Thanks dear readers for stopping by, checking in, and your kind comments. Let's catch up when I get back.
In Christ,